2 Weeks and One Day Until Take-off!
Just thought I would give everyone an update as to what's been going on. As far as Peace Corps news...there's not much. I called SATO to book my flight to Washington D.C., which is where I'll be flying from to Nicaragua. In D.C. we'll have a brief introduction to P.C., as well as meet the 69 other people going with me (a.k.a. my family for the next two years : ). Then after 2 days in D.C., we'll leave at the excruciating hour of 1 A.M., YES, I said 1 A.M., to head to the airport on August 30. It looks like the flight is only going to be about 3 1/2 hours (not including the extra time I'm sure we'll have to spend going through security now!). Umm, what else? Oh, I've been checking the weather daily to get a comparison to the weather in Pittsburgh. The temperature has been about the same, sometimes slightly higher. The humidity, howerever, in Managua has been anywhere from 80-95%. Yeah, that's pretty humid! Don't know if I've mentioned before how much I HATE humidity! There's good news though! They told me that I won't be receiving my many, many vaccinations until after we have arrived=I'm not going to be sick on the plane...instead I'll be sick in Nicaragua. I've heard the vaccinations can be pretty brutal to your system.
In the meanwhile, while living with my two gratious friends Matt and Tina in Greentree, PA, I have been shopping for P.C. (lots of shopping), been to three weddings (in one of them), working on a scrapbook of France (which is pretty awesome), traveled to California, Arizona, Virgina Beach, N. Carolina, Florida, Canada (Ottawa and Montreal), and finally Pittsburgh, playing some golf and LOTS of Sequence, hanging out with family and friends, and pretty much just enjoying my time here (especially with my niece Brooklynn who just moved here with her parents from Florida).

It was great to see you all, too. Thanks so much for driving up! Remember, you always have an open invitation to Nicaragua!
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