IST (In-Service Training)
This is a picture of the two environments groups currently in country (Nica 42-my group and Nica 45). The Nica 45ers came in last August, a year after us. This IST was pretty useful and a good opportunity to get to see volunteers again and discuss the kinds of things they are doing in their sites. It was also a good awakener because we began to talk about COS (close of service) which will technically be on November 14th, but usually people stick around for a while after. I canĀ“t believe that we are almost in the home stretch. Now comes the big question, what to do next!
Hi Susan,
A group I gave a presentation to would like to donate books to the Cuapa library. I was hoping I could send them to your Juigalpa address so that I can make sure they got there safely. Would you email me to let me know your address/ if this would be ok?
Hey Susanna,
It's been so long since I last heard from you. How are things going? I hope all is well. I liked the picture you posted...your hair is getting a lot longer. I haven't been up to much, just wedding planning and working. I am so glad that the school year is almost over. I hope you come home for Bethy's wedding so I will see you there...otherwise, who knows when we will see each other again? I went to PA not too long ago for Lianna's graduation from college...hard to believe she's done with school. David will be done in October and then talks of moving to Virginia Beach, so we will see what happens with that. Anyway, I guess I will let you go. But I hope to hear from you soon. I love you!
Jen :)
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