Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Address

I've decided after looking at several other postings by other PCVs (Peace Corps Volunteers) that it is o.k. to post my address. So, for all of you out there who would like to send me mail...because I probably won't have frequent access to the internet, here ya go! This will only be my address during training, which lasts until about the beginning of November 2006. After that, I will move to my permanent location and will have a new addy.

Susan Rice, PCT
Voluntario del Cuerpo de Paz
Apartado Postal 3256
Managua, Nicaragua
Central America

*PCT = Peace Corps Trainee

Well, one more day to go. It's weird, but it doesn't seem like I'm leaving in a day for 2 years! So much to do tomorrow, including packing, which to me is the worst part. I hate how the day before a trip is always so busy. One day I will change that!


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Mike said...


I just came across your journal about your adventures in Nicaragua. I added a link to your page to a database I collected of Peace Corps Journals and blogs:

Worldwide PC Blog Directory:

1. Contains over 1,500 journals and blogs from Peace Corps Volunteers serving around the world.
2. Each country has its own detailed page, which is easily accessible with a possible slow Internet connection within the field.
3. The map for every country becomes interactive, via Google, once clicked on.
4. Contact information for every Peace Corps staff member worldwide.
5. Official rules and regulations for current PCV online Journals and blogs. Those rules were acquired from Peace Corps Headquarters using the Freedom of Information Act.
6. Links to Graduate School Programs affiliated with Peace Corps, along with RPCVs Regional Associations.

There is also an e-mail link on every page. If you want to add a journal, spotted a dead link, or have a comment.

Thanks for volunteering with the Peace Corps!

-Mike Sheppard
RPCV / The Gambia


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