Too Many ¨Visitors!¨
Hello again! What a busy week! What I wouldn´t give to be able to complain about being bored.
Sunday and Monday I participated in a workshop this NGO was giving in my town on how to cross-stitch. It was interesting but VERY time consuming. I still haven´t finished the flower I was working on...nor the border now that I think of it. In coordination with this NGO, we are trying to get a group of adolescents together to teach them as well so that they can possibly sell the items they make as a way to make a living.
This is a picture of a friend in my town helping to build my lavendero (washing apparatus because obviously we don´t have washing machines here). Basically, he found a flat rock which will be held up by some sticks and mecate (rope?). I can´t wait to start using it!

This is a picture of my first ¨little¨friend that I found camped out in my bucket bath area yesterday. O.k., so I guess I can´t be lazy anymore and just let the leaves pile up! Don´t worry though, I called my friend over who lives next door and she killed it for me. You didn´t actually think I have grown brave enough to kill it myself did you??

So, after returning from my bath that same day I decided to do a little work in my ¨office,¨ which is the room to the left of this picture. I was just finishing up a project I was doing for my classes when the 5-year old neighbor came over to visit. Calmly, he walked in and was calling to me, ¨¡Susie, venga y ver! (Come and see.) I was telling him to hold on until I finished up when his mom came in and started shouting, ¨¡Una culebra!¨ At this point, I felt that maybe I should take a peek. : ) Of course I had to take a picture, then I ran outside and watched from the window like the chicken that I am.

This is a picture of the mom killing the snake with a big stick! My heroe!
Sunday and Monday I participated in a workshop this NGO was giving in my town on how to cross-stitch. It was interesting but VERY time consuming. I still haven´t finished the flower I was working on...nor the border now that I think of it. In coordination with this NGO, we are trying to get a group of adolescents together to teach them as well so that they can possibly sell the items they make as a way to make a living.
This is a picture of a friend in my town helping to build my lavendero (washing apparatus because obviously we don´t have washing machines here). Basically, he found a flat rock which will be held up by some sticks and mecate (rope?). I can´t wait to start using it!

This is a picture of my first ¨little¨friend that I found camped out in my bucket bath area yesterday. O.k., so I guess I can´t be lazy anymore and just let the leaves pile up! Don´t worry though, I called my friend over who lives next door and she killed it for me. You didn´t actually think I have grown brave enough to kill it myself did you??

So, after returning from my bath that same day I decided to do a little work in my ¨office,¨ which is the room to the left of this picture. I was just finishing up a project I was doing for my classes when the 5-year old neighbor came over to visit. Calmly, he walked in and was calling to me, ¨¡Susie, venga y ver! (Come and see.) I was telling him to hold on until I finished up when his mom came in and started shouting, ¨¡Una culebra!¨ At this point, I felt that maybe I should take a peek. : ) Of course I had to take a picture, then I ran outside and watched from the window like the chicken that I am.

This is a picture of the mom killing the snake with a big stick! My heroe!
Here is a picture of me at a 15th birthday party with some friends from Cuapa, where the mayor´s office is located.