Too Many ¨Visitors!¨
Hello again! What a busy week! What I wouldn´t give to be able to complain about being bored.
Sunday and Monday I participated in a workshop this NGO was giving in my town on how to cross-stitch. It was interesting but VERY time consuming. I still haven´t finished the flower I was working on...nor the border now that I think of it. In coordination with this NGO, we are trying to get a group of adolescents together to teach them as well so that they can possibly sell the items they make as a way to make a living.
This is a picture of a friend in my town helping to build my lavendero (washing apparatus because obviously we don´t have washing machines here). Basically, he found a flat rock which will be held up by some sticks and mecate (rope?). I can´t wait to start using it!

This is a picture of my first ¨little¨friend that I found camped out in my bucket bath area yesterday. O.k., so I guess I can´t be lazy anymore and just let the leaves pile up! Don´t worry though, I called my friend over who lives next door and she killed it for me. You didn´t actually think I have grown brave enough to kill it myself did you??

So, after returning from my bath that same day I decided to do a little work in my ¨office,¨ which is the room to the left of this picture. I was just finishing up a project I was doing for my classes when the 5-year old neighbor came over to visit. Calmly, he walked in and was calling to me, ¨¡Susie, venga y ver! (Come and see.) I was telling him to hold on until I finished up when his mom came in and started shouting, ¨¡Una culebra!¨ At this point, I felt that maybe I should take a peek. : ) Of course I had to take a picture, then I ran outside and watched from the window like the chicken that I am.

This is a picture of the mom killing the snake with a big stick! My heroe!
Sunday and Monday I participated in a workshop this NGO was giving in my town on how to cross-stitch. It was interesting but VERY time consuming. I still haven´t finished the flower I was working on...nor the border now that I think of it. In coordination with this NGO, we are trying to get a group of adolescents together to teach them as well so that they can possibly sell the items they make as a way to make a living.
This is a picture of a friend in my town helping to build my lavendero (washing apparatus because obviously we don´t have washing machines here). Basically, he found a flat rock which will be held up by some sticks and mecate (rope?). I can´t wait to start using it!

This is a picture of my first ¨little¨friend that I found camped out in my bucket bath area yesterday. O.k., so I guess I can´t be lazy anymore and just let the leaves pile up! Don´t worry though, I called my friend over who lives next door and she killed it for me. You didn´t actually think I have grown brave enough to kill it myself did you??

So, after returning from my bath that same day I decided to do a little work in my ¨office,¨ which is the room to the left of this picture. I was just finishing up a project I was doing for my classes when the 5-year old neighbor came over to visit. Calmly, he walked in and was calling to me, ¨¡Susie, venga y ver! (Come and see.) I was telling him to hold on until I finished up when his mom came in and started shouting, ¨¡Una culebra!¨ At this point, I felt that maybe I should take a peek. : ) Of course I had to take a picture, then I ran outside and watched from the window like the chicken that I am.

This is a picture of the mom killing the snake with a big stick! My heroe!
Here is a picture of me at a 15th birthday party with some friends from Cuapa, where the mayor´s office is located.
First of all, why does Mary want to know that? The answer is no, primarily because my feet would get really dirty, second for the biting ants that are usually on my floor, and third because the Nicaraguans have a belief that you can be caused harm by walking around without shoes weather on carpet or cement.
I actually hardly ever sweep my floor because when the neighborhood kids come over they like to ¨help¨me and do it. : ) Fine by me!
So, does this interest in Nicaraguan life mean that Mary is contemplating accompanying you?? : )
Mary, Won't come, unless there is a Mall, Wal-Mart, Eat 'n Park, or a Shoney's!! Plus she can't be away from Boop! What kind of snake was that? Is it poisonous? If it's not it'll take care of the ants and the spiders.
Not sure what kind of snake it was, some kind of mountain snake. The people say it´s poisonous, but they also say that about pretty much everything else so who knows. : )
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